A few days ago, we moved in our new office in Rennes (France), in the Maison de la Technopole, a building shared by Rennes Atalante and the INPI (French Patent and Trademark Office).
Rennes Atalante targets economic development through innovation and technologies. Its aim is to stimulate the expansion and location of technology companies in the area and to encourage the start-up of new activities with high added value (more information on www.rennes-atalante.fr).
DareBoost project (behind this blog), is supported by Rennes Atalante, so a few days ago we moved in the Espace Créateur, a space available for new entrepreneurs.
Another project shares the place with us, YouSlide (please be free to take a look here : www.youslide.net)
Our space is still a little bit messy, some stuff are missing but gradually things are falling in place !
That’s all for now, we will come back with another post next week, for the release of our beta version : DareBoost is coming !