New best practices have just been added to our quality and performance test tool. On the agenda of this update: SEO, security or else JavaScript code performance tips! Let’s discover the main new checkpoints our tool now gives you.
Your images’ formats
The service already recommended you to optimize the images embedding unnecessary data. But sometimes, the issue is upstream, further explanations below.
Our example is an image found on a Google official blog, an image file that was published in PNG.
It weighs more than 1.2Mo! Once optimized, this weight goes down to 1.1Mo, the saving is minor. If you are ever familiar with the differences between the image formats, you have certainly anticipated it: the PNG format is not adapted to the photographs.
Thus, if we take this very same image, but exported to the JPEG format, we get a weight of…147 Ko! Meaning a reduction of about 90%.
The choice of an image format is fundamental to limit the amount of data.
PNG, JPEG, GIF? From now on, we provide you the best advice about the best format to adopt for your images when we detect an issue.
JavaScript: checking of the code
The scripts tend to take a larger and larger portion in the time to render a web page. Among the possible solutions to inject these resources on your page, one must be particularly avoided: the injection of scripts through a « document.write » JavaScript instruction. The method should be ruled out because it blocks the display of the page as long as the resource is not downloaded and executed.
DareBoost is now able to spot this error on your websites!
SEO: titles make sense
Our advice have also been developed on SEO topics, through the checking of the right hierarchy of your title tags (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>…).
By doing so, DareBoost spots the presence of these tags, makes sure of the contents, and checks the coherence of the existing hierarchy.
HTTPS: taken into account by Google
At last, Google announced some time ago that the use of the HTTPS protocol was now taken into account in its ranking algorithm.
Besides the benefits in terms of security, you should then consider adopting this protocol if you have the possibility to do so.
However, be aware: HTTPS consists of encrypting the HTTP transactions, this operation comes with some impacts as it will cause a processing treatment more important on your web server.
In total, we added more than 10 checkpoints to our best practices. As usual, we remain available for any feedback about the service, whether you decide to leave a comment under this article or through social media!
Don’t wait any longer to know if your website follows our new recommendations:
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